The Gemini Eucentric stage has been designed by the E. Fjeld Company for the LEO 1500 Field Emission series and Focused Ion Beam instruments
The Gemini Eucentric stage is beneficial in many applications, including
* Locating and imaging specific DRAM cells in the semiconductor industry
* Examining critical surfaces of medical devices for stress and fractures
* Imaging defects and contamination for X-ray analysis
* Stable platform for FIB (Focused Ion Beam) operations
* Electron-beam lithography and electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD)
The six-axis version of the Gemini stage features a unique, variable eucentric working distance by incorporating a motorized Z prime axis, which allows the sample height to be adjusted perpendicular to the tilt plane while under vacuum. This advanced design enables a variety of sample heights to be placed precisely at the center of the tilt axis of the stage, allowing the sample to be tilted with minimal image shift.
Gemini 5/6 Axis stage
High resolution stepping motors on all axes of the specimen stage. All motors are internally mounted and vacuum prepped by E. Fjeld Co.
Other features include
- Specimen ground connector for beam current measurement
- Optical reference sensors for maximum reliability
- Teflon® wiring for durability and vacuum compatibility
Stage Translation
- X : 0 - 100 mm
- Y : 0 - 100 mm
- Z : 0 - 43 mm
- TILT : - 10 to +60 Degrees
- Z Prime : 0 - 10 mm
Coordinate Storage Software
Software package designed for storage and recall of axis coordinates. Allows several different modes of addressing, including absolute, offset absolute, and relative.
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